Sterling Raindust
Lord Sterling Raindust is attached to the English Embassy in Paris. Both a diplomatic agent and a spy, he carries out secret missions on behalf of Vice-Queen Anne Stuart. He sports a spiky hair crest, a silver pin in his ear, and a wry look at existence. Its motto ? “No future”.

Hyacinthe de Rocailles
Hyacinthe de Rocailles is the privateer captain of the Funeral Bride ship. The reputation of cruelty of this immortal is well established. He is also a virtuoso alchemist, a follower of the darkest magic. A piece of black leather covers his left eye socket, hiding a demonic eye.

Pale Phoebus
Pirate captain Pale Phoebus was born somewhere on the east coast of the Americas, before becoming in a few years the worst terror of the ocean. From the Lesser Antilles to Cape Cod, the fiercest sailors whisper his name only in low voices. Because he plunders merchant ships as well as those of other pirates.

Madame M.
The mysterious Madame M., enchanteress of the seas, lives in a lost retreat in the middle of the Bermuda Sea...